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What is an Analytical Essay?

March 4, 2020

An analytical assignment is a paper, in which the author analyzes, interprets, and criticizes a certain situation, event, or a piece of art. When students get such a task, their tutors want to check how well scholars can collect information, what sources they prefer to use, and how good they are at building interconnections. In addition, such an essay is a great display of how strong writing skills student has.

This task has lots of peculiarities, so depending on the topic, you need to look for tips for research papers, for reviews or other sorts of essays. In this article, we will tell you how a great analytical paper should look like and what elements it must contain.

How to Write a Beautiful Analytical Essay

When writing an analysis essay, you need to focus on:

  • Introduction:
  • Body paragraphs;
  • Peculiarities of paraphrasing and quoting.


Analytical essay introduction gives readers background information on the discussed topic. You can include a hook to the first paragraph to grab and hold the attention of the audience. Your main goal here is to engage the reader and make him want to learn more.

Information, which you provide in this section must support your thesis. However, it shouldn’t be a prompt or a summary. The main tips include:

  • Present main arguments;
  • Remain focused on the subject and don’t mention irrelevant information;
  • Try not to dramatize your text and avoid too many questions or exclamations;
  • Don’t use first or second person when writing.

Body Paragraphs

In this section of an analysis essay, you need to present the arguments you have. This means that the main paragraphs must interlink with your thesis and give a deep insight into the topic. Every paragraph supports your argument and is concentrated only on a single claim.

If you have several arguments, it is important to have a corresponding amount of main paragraphs, each starting with a topic sentence. Remember, half of your success is following a clear and widely accepted structure:

  • Main sentence. This sentence explains what will be discussed in the following paragraph. Introduce the main idea in a clear manner and in a single sentence. Your audience should understand what information the paragraph will contain just by reading the main sentence;
  • Analysis. In this section, you present arguments. Try to provide a comprehensive analysis of supporting evidence that will also support a thesis. This part is usually one-two sentences long. With its help, you show the reader that you understand the subject. That is why you should be creative;
  • Evidence. Once you have explained analyzed evidence, it is the right time to provide comprehensive data on the discussed argument. Don’t forget to link every paragraph with your thesis;
  • Conclusion. When your findings are presented, all you need is to close the paragraph with a conclusion. This sentence aims to restate the main points of the paragraph and summarize what was discussed to make the reader remember your message. Pay attention to this sentence, because it has a big value and must show why the subject is significant.

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Quoting and paraphrasing

Now, when you are familiar with an analytical essay outline and the structure of a paragraph, it is important to mention quoting and paraphrasing.

Some words and phrases of the author can’t be rendered in your own way. That is why it is necessary to quote them. In such a case you need to place the piece of text in its original way, accompanying the text with quotation marks. It is one of the best ways to provide evidence from the text and sound persuasive. However, you need to remember that you must use the exact words from the source text.

The form of quoting and further referencing depends on the required formatting style (for example, MLA, APA, or Chicago).

When you paraphrase, you should only summarize the source piece. It is used when you need to provide background information in a brief and compressed way.

If you want to learn how to write analytically, you should remember that the quantity of body paragraphs is less important than their quality. Follow the tips above, and you will surely succeed!

The Most Effective Way to Form Your Analytical Essay Outline

If you want to prove your point of view, the best way is to follow an accepted structure of this type of essay.

We recommend you write down all of the things you want to include to your work and dividing them into the following sections:

  • Introduction;
  • Main paragraphs;
  • Conclusion.

This will make writing your essay much simpler, and you won’t have to experience a fear of blank space or lack of inspiration. Sticking to such an outline will give you the freedom to start working on any section you like, not necessarily on the first one. This will become your winning strategy, and your classmates will surely ask you, ‘how do you write an analysis essay?’ wondering what made your paper so good!

Such an organized approach will make your analytical paper thoughtful and your arguments clear and wise.

Analytical Essay Online Writing Service

High school and college students know that it’s impossible to complete all of the assignments on time. If you were assigned to write an analytical essay, you might find it difficult to come up with a winning topic, to find reliable sources and to make up your own mind on the subject.

That is why we are always ready to help! Our experienced team of writers and editors work round the clock to complete any written assignment you have. We work with reports, reviews, argumentative essays, research papers, and much more! Just place your order or contact us for more details.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Analytical Essay?

When you are almost done, the question of how to make a powerful conclusion starts to occupy your mind. First, you need to be sure that body paragraphs logically lead to your conclusion. In addition, it is important to use transition words to show how paragraphs are related.

Many experts recommend writing a conclusion before the introduction. Once you select one of the analytical essay topics and write down the main paragraphs, you can summarize them. This will make the basis for your conclusion.

The final point of your essay should be either an explanation or a recommendation. You can also insert a hook, which you were using in the first paragraph. Depending on the topic and the tone of your paper, it can be a joke, quote, story, or statistics. In such a way, you will draw readers’ attention and will motivate them to think on the topic further.

However, the conclusion is not a place to introduce new information. Make sure you only restate all of the arguments you were discussing in the text without providing new facts or statistics. It will be a good idea to provide your personal view on the topic and to make a prognosis for the future.

Our Guide Conclusion

We hope that our analysis essay guideline was of great help. Don’t hesitate to reread it as many times as you need in order to master the topic perfectly. We recommend writing down its main points to always have the necessary tips in front of you.

However, if writing analytic papers is not your strongest side or if you are in a hurry, you can always rely on us! Visit our website and press the order button. It will only take you a minute to order an assignment and to get back doing the things you enjoy.

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