One of the most difficult questions any student faces when there is a need to write a personal or a reflective essay is how it is possible to create such a paper not sounding egotistical. That is why scholars are looking for tips on writing an essay and try to learn various approaches before getting started.
Some of them download samples of works; others struggle to write the paper on their own. There are also those, who ask friends or family members for help.
However, the most successful and reliable way is to order your paper online. You will get a perfect essay and won’t have to struggle with your fears and anxiety!
How to Write about Yourself: Easier than Ever
How to start an essay about yourself? First, you need to make sure what type of an assignment you need to complete: a reflective or an application paper.
The first one is assigned to students when there is a task to write about any experience, a vacation, a movie or a book. An application paper is more of a challenge because it stands between you and your college admission or different projects. It is a paper, where you need to fit your personality and achievements into 500 words.
Write Personal Essay: Your Story Ideas
If you are getting ready for college and want to be sure that your application will stand out, it is important to focus on your experience and achievements. The board will want to know about the things you have managed instead of your thoughts and imaginative issues.
Besides, this experience must be relevant to the field of your studies. Of course, it would be interesting for the board to read about your 20th birthday, but it is better to stick to what you have learned at school.
Even though such assignment is focused on your personality, try to avoid common phrases and sentences, like your high school grades, the number of cats you have or how you want to be accepted.
Start with an intriguing question that requires a certain answer or insert a joke. Hook sentences work perfectly in this type of writing.
When your draft is ready, ask your family or friends to read it and to make comments. Sometimes people, who know us well, can notice even the slightest mistakes or offer a fresh idea.
Also, try to avoid the following topics:
- Income;
- Nationality;
- Politics;
- Gender;
- Religion.
How to Start an Essay about Yourself
The first paragraph is a chance to grab the attention of the admission board and motivate them to learn more about yourself. Imagine how many applications they receive every day! If an essay is boring, most likely they won’t even read it till the end. Here are the tips for a great introduction:
- Use a hook sentence. It can be a rhetoric question, interesting fact, quote or a joke;
- A powerful episode from your life to describe why you fit in their college perfectly;
- Give a piece of information, which will later be discussed in full bloom.
We recommend writing an introduction only when your essay is ready. First, think of the story you will share, then make a list of the main topics and eventually consider traits that will make your story different from others.
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If you have a problem working on a self-intro, don’t worry! Our skilled writers and academic editors are ready to complete any assignment, meeting all of your deadlines and requirements.
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Structuring and Writing an Essay about Yourself
If you want your essay to be smooth, easy to read and understandable, you surely need an outline. Here are the sections your essay should consist of:
- Introduction. A few paragraphs, which you use to start an essay and to grab the reader’s attention;
- Main paragraphs, which are divided into 3-5 sections with a topic sentence each. Stick to a chronological order if possible;
- Conclusion, where you logically end the story and sum up everything you have stated before. It is the best part to tell about the lessons you have learned.
When your essay is ready, make sure you read it carefully several times to eliminate all the grammar and spelling mistakes.
Beginning the Essay about Yourself
As we have already discussed before, a great way to introduce your story to the world is to use a hook sentence. Here are the elements:
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- A thesis statement, placed at the beginning of the paragraph;
- A quote;
- A joke or an anecdote if the topic allows;
- Statistics and numbers;
- A popular misconception;
- Contradictions;
- A rhetorical question;
- Various literary tools, like allegories or metaphors.
Story Should Fit the Assignment & Have a Qualitative Plot
Even though a personal essay gives students lots of freedom, it should still meet the professor’s requirements. Moreover, if you decide to start an essay with a hook (and you really should), the chosen technique must follow the general tone of your writing.
Make sure you explain how your individuality changed, how you solved a complex situation, how you dealt with failure, etc. Never write about a situation or problem without telling what lessons you have learned from it.
Before working on the assignment, try to answer the following questions:
- Where does an essay about me start and end?
- Who else is significant for the story?
- Who or what influenced the outcome?
- What specific issues and details you remember about the event or story?
Remember, the story you choose must be catchy, vibrant and clear. It must have a beginning, a climax, and a conclusion. It is very important to make the reader feel the taste of every single moment.
The last paragraph of your work should highlight the main ideas of the story. Another important advice is to limit the story to a few important details, not boring the reader with irrelevant information. For example, if you want to introduce other characters, make sure they are important for the story.
Usually, there is a protagonist and an antagonist in an essay. The first one is you, a person that is dealing with something. An antagonist is a subject, who prevents you from achieving what you want.
How to Conclude an Essay about Yourself
A professional and interesting conclusion is a real must for an admission essay. You should start summarizing the key points you have stated in your essay. Remind the reader about your main strengths and achievements.
Then paraphrase your thesis statement and insert a strong hook to stand out from thousands of other applications!
College Admission Essay Examples about Yourself
One of the most efficient ways of writing an essay about yourself is learning from examples of other students, which lead them to success. That is why we have collected the best essay samples and hundreds of essay topics to help you succeed!
Just get familiar with various academic papers samples, write out the most suitable tips and enjoy the simple writing process.