We write every paper from scratch based on instructions from the order form. When you place an order and give us additional details, you can be sure that the draft you receive is unique and personalized, and doesn’t contain any similar parts with millions of online documents.
It is crucial to deliver every paper on time, so we strictly follow the deadlines and guarantee that you will receive the order before the time runs out. Moreover, in most cases, you will have enough time to read the paper carefully and to prepare for the class.
Our managers have a superpower: they never sleep. That is why you can contact us at any time you want and ask all the arising questions. We will deal with them in a matter of minutes!
Our company can boast the best writers in the country. All of them hold college or university degrees, have majors in multiple fields and are passionate about writing. It will be a real pleasure working and communicating with the assigned writer.
All our writers are native English speakers, so your essay will always be written based on language peculiarities of your state or city. We will even try to assign a graduate from your college to provide the best possible results!
When you fill in the order form we ask you to give us as many details about the order as possible. This helps us to write every paper from scratch and to make it personalized. Your teacher will be sure that you are the only author of your paper!
Along with low fees, we are happy to offer you a variety of discounts. Our services are affordable to every student and the more you stay with us, the less you need to pay!
We use the best plagiarism software to be sure that all the papers are original. Once the assignment is ready, it is double-checked and compared to millions of files on the Internet.
When your paper is completed, it is handed to our proofreaders. They carefully read it line after line to make sure that there are no mistakes and typos. Our proofreaders and editors polish the work to make it readable and catchy.
We have access to multiple databases, premium libraries and millions of reputable sources. That is why the content of every paper is thoroughly researched and backed with relevant and updated information.
Once you fill in the order form, we calculate its final price. So there won’t be any additional charges or unpredictable costs! You can proceed with the payment and put all the fears aside.
Our researchers have years of experience, so you can always rely on them: they will find the most credible data, unbelievable facts and the latest statistics that even your tutor doesn’t possess!
We are always there to meet your needs and will never allow you leaving our website unsatisfied. That is why you can expect a refund if you find any plagiarism in the delivered paper.
If our writers are late with the delivery you will receive a refund without any questions asked. We want you to be happy with our cooperation and always do our best to improve the quality of services we provide.
Compare our prices with the prices of our competitors and you will be pleasantly surprised! We offer great prices but never tolerate mediocre quality of papers. You get outstanding essays at a reasonable price!
Due to professional writers and proofreaders, thorough research and the latest software, you can expect a paper of outstanding quality. We guarantee that your teacher and classmates will be mesmerized!
We never share your personal information with third parties and even our writers see only your nickname. This means that you won’t have to worry that someone will find out you were using our services.
Your personal data and details of the payment are safe with us!
Apart from first-class papers and low prices we also offer our customers a range of freebies: free title and bibliography pages, unlimited revisions, plagiarism reports and much more! Follow our news and contact our managers to get more information.