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What Is The Definition Of The Descriptive Paper?

July 2, 2021

This is a kind of paper or composition describing an event, process, person, or object. The target of the writer is to generate an obvious reading experience or to portray instead of telling. The descriptive composition features appealing to 5 senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. If you wish to compose a proper descriptive paper, it is obligatory for you to appeal to these senses. When composing a descriptive paper, your target would be to show the comprehensive picture for your reader and appeal to the 5 senses mentioned above. It is a must for your work to feature a target. It might be either a story or a lesson learned, so make sure your bright ideas would come to life. 

What Is the Striking Difference between a Descriptive Paper and a Description?

When composing this kind of essay, you must be aware of the main difference between a descriptive paper and a description. The description might be only a specific paragraph or a few ones without any structure. However, a descriptive paper features more than five paragraphs and a complete and clear structure. The descriptive paper is composed usually coherently, features a proper thesis statement at the intro’s end, three paragraphs of the main body, and a solid conclusion. Nevertheless, the description does not feature the structure necessarily. The main target of it is only to describe something or some object, not using extra academic layers.  

The problems that might be described in your essay:

  • A person. In this essay, you might talk about a person. It might range simply from describing their appearance to more complicated descriptions such as traits, mood, behaviors, actions of your selected individual.
  • A place. The most important thing for you to consider while describing a specific place is to describe it originally and interestingly. The target reader must feel, for instance, the city’s beauty – like Paris or New York. 
  • An event. You should describe a specific story that took place. It might be your last graduation day, summer music festival, anniversary, wedding, concert, vacation, or so on.
  • An animal. In this kind, you should describe a specific animal. It might be its biology, behavior, or appearance. 
  • An occupation. There you are supposed to compose about an occupation or job.
  • A behavior. This is a descriptive writing kind where you are supposed to mention a few words about someone’s behavior. You might be willing to describe your friend’s weird behavior or emphasize how specific people act under pressure or other circumstances.

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What Are the Two Main Classic Approaches to the Descriptive Paper?

1.Personal paper.

There you are supposed to describe the experience, utilizing your responses and feelings. This piece of writing might evoke some emotions and even empathy in readers. It might also be disorganized and vague. If you want to compose a proper personal paper, you must try to concentrate only on these aspects, which completely express your past experience. In this kind of task, you should not shy away from evocative and vivid language.

A few examples of the personal paper topics:

  • Explain your favorite movie and the way it impacted you.
  • Describe your past experience of swimming in the ocean in summer.
  • Reflect on your last birthday party.

2. Formal description.

This kind of descriptive writing might resemble an argumentative paper. Your main target must be to communicate a set of main points or describe something accurately in detail due to a clear structure. Instead of concentrating on your personal experience, you should utilize particular categories of data to give the complete possible portrayal of the things you are depicting. That approach might be interesting, especially if your reader is more interested in the essay’s subject than the response of the writer to it. Do not use too formal language so as not to make it dull and odd. 

Here what topics for formal descriptions might include:

  • A news story that gives a summary of the data or event concerning the place where it happened.
  • A descriptive paper about historical events, politics, or climate change. 

Descriptive Paper Ideas and Topics

It might be easy to find descriptive paper topics. You might describe anything starting from the car you like and to the weather for today. We collected a few ideas to assist you to begin. We hope that you will find here proper descriptive paper topics to inspire you. 

Describe a Person

Choose someone you know very well. For instance, you might pick someone from your teachers, friends, or family members, and so on. You might even compose about someone who is famous for exposing the vast majority of their personal life to the mass media. For instance, it might be Taylor Swift, Selena Gomes, Justin Bieber. You might also write about superheroes like Superman.


How Justin Bieber changed my life?

Why my mother is my favorite person?

Describe a Place or an Object

You might also describe a place or an object with which you feel a special connection. This might be your toy, playground, high school, or some fictional places.


My trip to LA.

My native city – London.

Describe an Emotion

Just recall the most honest emotion you have ever experienced and transform it into descriptive paper writing. You might select a strong feeling like rage, desire, loss, happiness, or anger. It should not always be a personal emotion, but it might be the observed one. 


Love and hatred: The similarities and differences.

How joy changed me.

You might also compose a descriptive paper about anything you might describe according to the main senses: hearing, smell, taste, sight, or touch.

Composing a Descriptive Paper Outline

When you consider about descriptive paper writing, you must keep in mind that a structured essay outline is a key to the success. It will help your papers flow better and organize your thoughts. 

The descriptive paper outline consists of the following elements:

  • The intro.
  • Hook.
  • Background data/context.
  • Thesis statement.
  • Main body.
  • Topic sentence.
  • The sensory details.
  • The actual details.
  • The conclusion.
  • Restatement of all the main points.
  • The clincher statement.

It is necessary to spend enough time thinking of a description victim since all your illustrations would be grounded on it. 


The intro is supposed to introduce the main subject to your reader and provide them with enough context to completely comprehend your work. Make sure it is interesting and brief to the readers. When you learn how to compose a descriptive paper intro, keep in mind the initial paragraph of your essay is a section that might make your descriptive paper shine and stand out. 

Like a college essay, a descriptive paper intro should consist of the following elements:

  • The hook. Despite the fact, the entire essay must be full of vivid and exciting descriptions, and you should try to grab the reader’s attention at the very beginning.
  • Background data/context. Inform the reader concerning the things you are planning to describe and tell them why it is necessary for you. Provide them with a short context for your essay.
  • Thesis statement. The descriptive paper thesis must be a concise and short summary of your work. It should consist of the description subject and the target why you want to describe it. 


  • Person. Describing a Superman: “The describing characteristic of a Superman is that he can fly and talks too much to himself.” 
  • Emotion. Writing about anger: “I always feel the darkest emotion when I am angry at someone so that my thoughts do not line up.”

Main Body

Usually, there are 3 paragraphs in the main body. They might cover 3 various arguments or points. The number of main body paragraphs is up to your professor or you. In some cases, it might take a paragraph, while in other cases, it might take a few books.

How to compose a body paragraph:

  • Begin with the topic sentence. 
  • Include sensory details.
  • Add actual details. You should always add descriptive data within the main body. Finish your body paragraph via introducing the next one. Use transition sentences to create immersion. Your piece of writing might be even better.


 Due to the descriptive paper format, the conclusion must be a summary of the key points. It would be great to create the final sentence that is related to your main claim of the paper. As soon as you do it, the essay is complete. We recommend you proofread the descriptive paper to correct possible mistakes. 

Add the following into the conclusion:

  • The initial thing to conduct at the last step is to try to reflect on the main target of your work. Elaborate on the main reason why you made up your mind to write about the particular subject and the way your subject impacted your life. 
  • Highlight the necessity of the details. Glance over the main points of your essay. Provide a brief summary of things you have claimed. Make sure the audience is prepared for the clincher statement.
  • Clincher statement. This is your final sentence which should reinforce the essay’s overall target and leave the reader with an intriguing quote, question, or thought. You might have spent a lot of time considering how to hook the reader. Make sure you keep the audience’s attention till the end. 

Composing and Reviewing the Descriptive Essay Writing

Composing the essay includes the following stages:

  • Pre-composing stage. There, you are supposed to examine each of the sources. Then, you will have to define whether each of them offers necessary data on the topic you select.
  • Composing the beginning. You must begin your essay with an engaging and powerful hook that will draw the reader’s attention. It might consist of an interesting literary quote or an unusual metaphor. 
  • Generating the first draft of the descriptive paper. There, you are supposed to use all words that pop up in your mind. You will narrow down the thoughts later on.
  • Including details to your essay thanks to online dictionaries and enriched English vocabulary. Utilize the English vocabulary in order to add the missing feelings such as a sight to make your descriptive paper create a great last impression.
  • Editing and revising the essay thanks to various free online grammar checkers. 

Let’s speak about the final step, which is reviewing the essay. Once you finish writing, you should take a break. Clear your mind before you edit the essay. 

Ask yourself these questions when you get back to your descriptive paper:

  • Did you give enough context in the intro?
  • Is the essay simple to read?
  • Is the thesis related to the context of the essay?
  • Does the essay feature descriptive and vivid language?
  • Does the clincher statement leave an impressive lat impact?
  • Do you provide your readers with enough details to obtain a vivid and full perception of the description?
  • Does every part of your piece of writing concentrate on one description’s aspect?
  • Does your essay have any unimportant details in the description that might be replaced with more meaningful data or thrown away?
  • If you were in the reader’s shoes, does this essay make sense for you?
  • Are there any issues with punctuation and grammar?

You might use online tools to sort your grammar. However, it would be better to improve the grammar by yourself and become the writer yourself. Once you have your final draft, you would better read this piece out loud and ask your friend to proofread that for you. In some cases, you will just need some constructive criticism. 

People Also Ask About:

  • How do you start a descriptive essay?

To compose a good opening of the paper, you should concentrate on portraying your reader a scene, not just tell them the scene. Do not just report on the events as they occur or mention the action of the scene. You should utilize sensory details as well as vivid descriptions to put a reader in a memory, moment, event, or place. In other words, you should be attentive to detail and elaborate on the specific ones of them to make your reader involved and engaged in the piece of writing. 

  • What is the example of the descriptive paper?

Let the topic of the descriptive paper be “How to dance a contemporary dance?” :

“In the eyes of a person who has never tried contemporary dance, it might seem difficult to repeat every more. However, if you spend some time practicing ballet, it would be much easier to cope with the contemporary dance routine. You should learn the dance step by step, trying to memorize every single move. However, pain is a normal thing if it comes to dancing because you might injure yourself when practicing a dance routine but it is for sure worth it because you will feel free as a bird when you learn the whole dance and perform it”.

  • How do you compose a descriptive paper?

First of all, you should select a topic. Usually, the descriptive paper concentrates on a single item, location, person, or event. The next step should be to create a statement. Number three-step is to try to get the senses correctly. Once you are done, you should compose an outline. Create the conclusion to finish your paper. Review your essay and edit and proofread it. You might use online grammar check tools or ask your friend to help you. 

  • What are the main elements of the descriptive essay?

Like any other paper, the descriptive essay must consist of an intro, main body, and conclusion. The intro part must contain a hook to draw your attention of your readers and a thesis statement to show the main claim or idea concerning your descriptive paper. Then, you should create the main body. Usually, it consists of three or more paragraphs, each of which starts with a topic sentence. Every paragraph must contain specific details and facts about your argument. Finish your descriptive essay with an interesting conclusion that should restate the thesis statement, give the readers food for thought, or contain a call-to-action. Make sure your conclusion does not contain any new data regarding your essay, only a summary of the main points mentioned above.  

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