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How to Write an Exemplification Essay

October 30, 2019

At least once during the training period, students are given the task to write an exemplification essay. This name usually causes panic, as you might not have heard it before. I hasten to assure you that it’s not worth worrying: in essence, this type of essay resembles an argumentative essay. However, you need to explore the topic in more detail, having worked on controversial issues.

Most likely, you have already come across examples of exemplification essays in media or social networks. The fact is that the elements of this type of paper are quite common since every essay should have a sticking point. However, for a deep understanding, you should focus on the structure of the paper. That is why we prepared a guide for exemplification essay writing.

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Definition of Exemplification Essay

An exemplification essay is a more elaborate version of the essay with arguments. In this paper, you should examine the topic in detail and provide evidence that proves your point of view. Typically, such data are facts, statistics or quotes. However, do not forget to specify what style and format the work should be done to know the quoting norms.

Remember this is not an academic research paper, but an essay, so you need to take care of the appearance of the paper and the readability. Structure information using bulleted lists and graphs, and be generous with epithets and comparisons. Write a good exemplification essay, so that you would like to reread it and supplement it with various details.

4 Tips for Writing an Exemplification Essay

Before we break into the structure of the paper, we want to give some tips that will help you in writing. Follow these points and you will get a higher score for your exemplification essay.

  • Do not impose your main point of view and do not be categorical. Try to express your thoughts gently so that the reader can compare your opinion with your own. Try to discuss the topic from different angles.
  • Dilute dry data with more lively speech. Tell a joke or story from life. So you can establish contact with the reader.
  • Think about the majority. Even if you are convinced that you are right, add the information that an ordinary user can agree to. Avoid bias and stereotypes.
  • Monitor the sequence of thoughts. Connectivity and conciseness play an important role in the exemplification essay. Each following sentence should be a logical continuation of the story.

Writing Process for Exemplification Essay

The paper structure consists of an introduction, body part, and a conclusion. The introduction requires a strong thesis and a hook. The main part contains several paragraphs with arguments, and each argument should be supported by specific examples. The conclusion, in turn, summarizes the thesis and arguments.

However, work on an essay should start by writing an outline. In this way, you will create a brief work plan for yourself that will help you consistently perform actions.

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Different ways to start an exemplification essay

The essay should start with an explanation of the problem you were working on. You can add statistics from a credible source or a quote from an interview. Pay attention to new publications as they contain relevant information. Make sure that your thoughts connect and do not say too much. Remember that the beginning of the essay should be short and convey the main theme of the paper.

Create an outline by brainstorming

Take some time to create an outline. This is a kind of outline for your essay that contains structure and key elements. Start with essay elements that are the foundation of the paper. This is a skeleton of an exemplification essay.

Use brainstorming to come up with a lot of ideas for arguments. Thus, you will have the opportunity to choose the strongest evidence and put it in a sketch.

Writing an introduction

The introduction is an attractive element. It is by reading the beginning that a person decides whether he will be interested in an essay. The key elements of the introduction are the thesis and the hook. You can also use brainstorming to come up with a strong thesis.

Your body paragraphs hold all the action!

In the body of the essay, you need to place a few paragraphs with arguments. The best option would be to back up each argument with one or two examples. Try to interact with the reader, add comparisons and rhetorical questions.

The body of the essay is responsible for its filling. Line up the arguments in the order of their strength. Thus, you can gradually answer the main questions without losing the attention of the reader.

It’s time to close

The final paragraph is designed to summarize the evidence and draw a conclusion. Remember the thesis: the conclusion should not contradict it. You can also tell about your experience with the project. Some people start reading an essay from the end, so don’t write a lot – the size of the conclusion should be approximately the same as the introduction.

Peculiarities of the Exemplification Essay Outline

In order to write a great exemplification essay outline you should follow these tips:

  • Think in advance about the topic and its feasibility. Explore the latest events in the world.
  • In the introduction, add a thesis and a hook. These elements have a driving role throughout the whole paper.
  • Create a title for the first paragraph. Create a short description of each paragraph.
  • Create a conclusion by paraphrasing the thesis from the introduction. Summarize the evidence from the body of the essay.

Pick your topic

Choose a topic that provokes discussion. This method has two major advantages.

  • You will be able to examine in detail questions about this topic. Since each person has a different opinion about each topic, it is beneficial to you if this topic is argumentative. Thus, you can discuss it from different angles, finding more one-thinkers.
  • You have the opportunity to get prepared. Controversial topics are often discussed in various forums and blogs. This way you can find out what opinion your target audience has and what issue has not yet been discussed.

Write an introduction

The thesis statement is the center of all paper, so it must be concise and powerful.

The last sentence of the first paragraph is a hook. As you understand, this is a piece of information that collects the attention of the reader. Here are a few hook ideas:

  • Fact or statistics
  • Quote from a famous source
  • Popular joke or idiom
  • Comparison or contradiction

Write a title for the first paragraph

Add a title that covers the main points. Your task is to optimize the text so that it is easy to read. The title will save the reader’s time, and so you will earn his trust. However, it should be easy to understand, so do not add terms or neologisms.

Write titles of the following body paragraphs

By creating titles, you structure the information. Since the body paragraphs have the largest volume, it is advisable to select a title for each particular part. This way you increase the readability of your exemplification essay.

Write a conclusion

The conclusion is a closing essay. Start writing a conclusion when you have already discussed all the issues. In other words, the conclusion directly depends on the arguments in the body of the essay. Then check your text for mistakes of any kind.

The Importance of Exemplification Essay Topics for You

Sometimes the teacher gives the student an essay topic, however, you can get the opportunity to choose it yourself. Of course, this is a good chance, but it is also a great responsibility.

We have selected 25 exemplification essay topic ideas:

  • What is a forecasting effect on a person’s choice in voting?
  • Should the government help people with social problems?
  • Is it possible to achieve success in a career with a college degree?
  • Is it possible to save people from addiction without prohibitions?
  • The relationship between technological progress and social issues
  • The impact of large corporations on small businesses
  • Does every child need a religious education?
  • Pros and cons of online voting
  • At what age should a child be responsible for their education?
  • Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning
  • Refusal of meat: how it helps the state
  • What harm does immigration do for the state?
  • The relation between religion and politics
  • Why do you need higher education in the field of art?
  • Pros and cons of team training
  • How do social networks affect privacy?
  • Does everyone need to know math?
  • Why are so many people eating junk food?
  • Do we need to add seasonings to products for children?
  • How often are we tricked into the news?
  • What are the threats of nuclear power plants to the environment?
  • The benefits and harms of social assistance
  • Should euthanasia be legalized?
  • War and peace: do fighting help solve a conflict?
  • The trend of online education

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