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How to Write an Opinion Essay

October 16, 2019

What are opinion essays? Perhaps this is the first question that comes to your mind when you get such a task. This kind of essay has a purpose to state your opinion and convince the reader (listener) of it, as well as to change or support his or her opinion on a certain issue (if the views of the writer and the reader coincide).

Don’t confuse an argumentative paper with an opinion essay. In the first case, you need to uncover the problems from a variety of angles, taking into account the opposing viewpoint. In the second case, you need to focus only on your point of view.

The truth is that details can make all the difference. So it’s not enough just to have a solid point of view to write an opinion paper. The structure, proofs, and conclusions are just as important as in any other college essay. Let’s check out some helpful tips for writing a great paper.

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Opinion Essay Writing Tips – Resourceful Guide

The basis and the core of the essay becomes a formulated idea. So your first step is to clearly and fully define the thought that you want to express. This will be your main thesis of the paper. You can verify the success of this step as follows. Read the statement, for instance, to your fellow students: if they don’t have questions about your position (except for objections to the issue), then the thesis is good. So you can start to write an opinion essay.

A very common mistake is a shift in the focal points. Let’s consider one example to clear up the air. For instance, you need to speak on the topic “Ferrets can make excellent pets”, but you’re saying too much about the ferrets themselves. At the same time, the problems of keeping ferrets at home are almost not pointed out. Instead of the desired topic, you get another one, for example, “Ferrets are the most faithful pets”. Because of such mistakes, your school essay writing won’t get the highest grade.

Another common problem is standardization. Take a look at the standard phrase “Recent theoretical developments have revealed that…” and try to insert in into different introductions:

“Recent developments have revealed that natural coffee contains components that are vital for human health”.

“Recent developments have revealed that games with ferrets have a good effect on the cardiovascular system”.

While in the first case this phrase looks seamless, in the second one its stereotyping is obvious and creates rather a comic effect.

Keep in mind that an essay is a formal piece of writing. So try to avoid slang and colloquial expressions in your paper. Make sure your grammar is good enough. And, of course, don’t forget to divide the text into sections – let’s dwell a bit on this.

Opinion Essay Structure

In any successful opinion essay, there should be an introduction, main body, and conclusion.

The introduction sets the topic and expresses the opinion of the author. This paragraph with a topic sentence has a certain goal – to engage the reader in the dialogue as well as to define the essence of the issue.

The main part contains, as a rule, two blocks:

  • Arguments for the author’s point of view;
  • Commenting on the opposite thought.

Thus, in the first block of the main part, you need to explain in detail to the reader why this is your opinion and support your thought with proofs and examples. In the second block, you may highlight the position opposite to yours, and also say why you don’t consider such a point of view to be correct.

Some tasks indicate the need to cover an alternative position, while some don’t. When there are no clear instructions, you can rely on the volume of the paper. If the number of words is limited, it’s better to skip the second block.

The essay conclusion sums up everything said in the main part and again expresses the author’s point of view but in other words.

This clear essay structure helps to maintain a logical sequence and not to go into unnecessary detail.

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Good Opinion Essay Topics

The first thing to do is to understand what position you’ll defend and, of course, to pick up a topic. Opinion papers provide a large room for creativity so it can be hard to choose an essay subject. Keep in mind that if the topic isn’t very interesting for you, the chances of making great work are slim. Here you can find a list of good topic ideas that can be useful to you.

1. E-readers can completely replace paper books soon. Do you agree with this statement?

2. There are a lot of reasons why people go to college (future career growth, experience, skills, etc). Express your point of view on this matter.

3. Personal experience is the best teacher. Comment on this statement.

4. The aim of the school should be to educate the individual, not a professional. Providing certain examples, express your opinion on this issue.

5. The key to success is hard work. Do you agree?

6. Should humanity give up meat food? Support your position with arguments.

7. Providing reasons and certain examples, speak about the impact of mass media on people’s lives.

8. When you go to college, you will most likely live with your roommate. What qualities do you think a good roommate has?

9. Do you think college attendants should be required or dependent on the student’s desire? Please give examples.

10. How the US should deal with illegal immigration?

11. What do you think is the main reason for the high crime rate?

12. Is animal testing cruelty or necessity?

13. For what reason English is the lingua franca in the modern world?

14. Is body-positive a tribute to fashion or a movement based on respect for one’s own body?

15. If you got a million dollars, what would you spend this money on and why?

16. What does marriage mean to young people?

17. Should student-athletes have benefits and why?

18. Support your position with details.

19. What do you think about the concept of “white lie”?

20. A person needs a constant source of motivation. Comment on this issue.

21. The new generation is always smarter than the previous one. Do you agree with this idea?

22. Express your point of view about the place of religion in modern society.

23. Can computers replace teachers in schools and why?

24. Own mistakes are the best experience. Do you agree with that?

25. Why do you think foreign students find it difficult to adapt to new conditions?

26. Do college students need exams and why?

27. What do you think makes a good parent?

28. Will scientists be able to clone a human shortly? Express your position on this issue.

29. Comment on your attitude to online studying.

30. What is the role of SNSs in our lives?

31. Many people view their pets as family members. Do you think this is the right approach, and if so, why or why not?

32. Citing examples and arguments, speak about one thing that you would change in your country.

33. Should there be a uniform at school?

34. Do you agree with the statement that the death penalty is a violation of the human right to life? Argument your opinion.

35. Is it a good idea to take a gap year after school? Why or why not? How would you use this time to best effect?

Find out exploratory essay topics at this page.

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