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Bullying Essay

April 22, 2020

It is quite difficult to find an essay topic because everything has been discussed by hundreds of thousands of students before. However, there are a few controversial topics that concern modern society and occupy the minds of millions of people worldwide.

One such topic is bullying. Especially considering that there are many forms of bullying, each of which deserves attention and coverage. Today we’ll tell how to write a bullying essay, what things to include, and how to get an A+.

What is Bullying Essay?

 A bullying essay is a written assignment, which covers different aspects of bullying. All over the world teachers and parents are trying to find a way to stop school bullying and spreading awareness is definitely one of the most effective solutions.

There are multiple types of essays and a big variety of bullying topics to choose from. It doesn’t matter which of them you decide to cover: it is necessary to stick to an accepted structure. Download a bullying sample to understand what things to discuss or read our guidelines below. We guarantee that after finishing the article you’ll manage the task with ease!

Statement of the Problem

Bullying essay always starts with understanding what main issue you are going to cover. If you lack ideas, read samples of topics we have indicated below. For example, you can write about the effects of bullying in your particular school or to share the historical background of the issue.

If you still doubt what problem to choose, make a list and then ask your teacher for advice. Thus, you’ll be sure that your bullying essay is relevant and modern.

Working on Bullying Essay Outline

Bullying essay should follow a clear structure to avoid wordiness or complex readability. And the best choice is crafting an outline. Don’t think that it is a waste of time! Did you know that creating an outline is the best way to organize the writing process?

Write down the things to include in the future bullying essay in the form of a list, essay sample or even a drawing. Thus, you’ll always know what to write next whether you are covering bullying behavior or the ways to stop bullies.

Preparing an Unforgettable Bullying Essay Introduction

Bullying essay, like any other written assignment, starts with an introduction. Here are the tips that will help in crafting a perfect introduction:

  • Start with explaining what the problem means. For example, the definition of this kind of abuse, forms of bullying, etc.;
  • Indicate the problem you are going to discuss;
  • Explain to the audience why the issue is important and deserves their attention.

Tips on Writing a Bullying Essay Conclusion Paragraph

The bullying essay should consist of three main sections: introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. The last, by the way, is as important as the rest of the paragraphs. Here you should explain to the audience what makes your anti-bullying essay so important.

Don’t forget to share your ideas on how to solve the problem. Try not to include any new facts and details to the essay because this will only puzzle the reader.

Post-Writing Steps

After finishing your paper on school bullying doesn’t rush to submit it. Take some time to relax and then return to your bullying essay to edit and polish it. We recommend asking someone for help: a friend or a professional editor.

A good idea will be using online checkers that detect misprints, mistakes, and even plagiarism.

25 Anti Bullying Essay Topics

We have made a list of bullying essay problems that you can choose for your assignment:

  1. How to stop bullying;
  2. What celebrities think on the issue of bullying;
  3. Share your experience of being bullied;
  4. Tell about a situation when you bullied others;
  5. What’s your attitude to bullies;
  6. Measures that your school applies to prevent bullying;
  7. Who should be in charge of an anti-bullying campaign?
  8. Is it possible to stop bullies forever?
  9. Effects of bullying on society;
  10. Impact of bullying on younger children;
  11. Negative consequences of the problem;
  12. Is there something positive about bullying?
  13. How should teachers respond to the problem?
  14. Role of parents in bullying;
  15. Should teenagers turn to someone or solve the problem on their own?
  16. Is turning to the police the right solution?
  17. Why do teenagers bully?
  18. The main reasons for bullying;
  19. The most vulnerable categories of students;
  20. Is the government planning to solve the problem?
  21. Does bullying take place in developing countries?
  22. The best way to punish bullies;
  23. Can bullying be considered a social problem?
  24. Historical background of bullying;
  25. Should bullies go to psychologists?

Historical Overview

School bullying has been an ongoing problem and can be traced back to centuries and centuries ago. It normally includes a group of bullies, who isolate a student and tease or taunt him or her. Some bullies pressure the person to do some humiliating tasks. Their main aim is to abuse a particular person and to show aggression.

In the course of conducting a bullying essay research, I have found that the main cause of bullying is the social setting of bullies. They usually get that feature from family settings: most bullies are from families with physical punishments and any kind of abuse.

Bullies don’t feel the warmth from parents and thus attack other children to handle their own issues.


This bullying essay aims to review sources on the bullying issue and what laws should be passed in the US to solve the problem. Collected materials come from published books and journals, as well as certified and official websites. I have analyzed scholarly articles on school and cyber bullying, as well as secondary sources like works of other students on the topic.

Literature Review

My bullying essay is based solely on official sources. There have been several studies on the issues of bullying including Norfolk (n.d.), Banks (1997), Olweus (n.d.), and Digizen (2003). These sources highlight the effects of this form of abuse and the ways to prevent bullying. Staffordshire (n.d.) brings a completely new look at the problem of the latest technologies and their influence on abuse among children and teenagers.

Evolution of Bullying

School or cyber bullying is a severe issue, which influences the social and academic life of a child. To understand the problem and come up with a plan of actions it’s necessary to identify a particular form of bullying that is taking place. And to understand how similar problems were solved successfully. In the bullying essay below we will address the effects of bullying, the most common types, and the role that teachers play in creating and solving the problem.

Effects of Bullying

One of the main goals of this bullying essay was to distinguish the effects of abuse. Bullies tend to be involved in criminal activities when adults, to maintain negative behavior at workplaces, and to have issues with drugs or alcohol. Research showed that 60% of those, who were bullies at school, was convicted of a crime by 23 years old.

Bullying victims grow unhappy, depressed, and have low self-esteem. This influences studies and social life. They isolate themselves from others and social activities, become lonely and closed. In some cases, this may even lead to suicide. That is why it is so important to prevent bullying.

Role of Teachers and School Administrators

Unlike cyber bullying, school abuse can be influenced by teachers and school workers. They should see the problem and take timely actions. Teachers may also locate areas, where bullies usually attack victims. School administration should organize specific days for parents to inform on existing problems and the ways to prevent bullying.

Views on Bullying in Schools

In this bullying essay, I would like to highlight the legal view on the problem and view of parents, teachers and school administration.

1.   Legal view

Even though there have been little cases of the legal system dealing with bullying cases, some states have already implemented specific laws to address the problem. To prevent bullying students, parents or other participants can call for legal intervention but it usually happens only in the most severe cases. Bullying is treated by law as an offense but when students are bullied on the basis of culture or race, it’s termed as racism.

2.   Teachers, school authorities, and parents

Even though the matter is rather serious, many people think that bullying is acceptable. Some parents think that boys are boys and even encourage such behavior. Research showed that bullying is a learned behavior, not a natural one.

Some parents and even teachers think that there are positive effects of bullying: children will grow stronger and will be able to solve problems on their own. However, the truth is that these children will have lower self-esteem and will grow fears and even phobias.

Stopping Bullying in Schools

When working on the bullying essay the main problem I have faced is that it’s difficult to detect bullying because everything is taking place secretly and parents or teachers are not able to notice when something is going on.

Thus, the best way to stop bullying is not only to implement laws but also to help both victims and bullies, and to carefully follow everything that is taking place both at school and outdoors.


School bullying is an issue that impacts students all over the world and needs to be solved as soon as possible. Anti bullying laws may help to eliminate the problem. For example, in Massachusetts bullies are subjected to harsh punishments once they are caught.

Such laws also place additional responsibility on teachers and school administration to stop bullies and deal with them. This bullying essay aimed to highlight the problem and offer alternative measures to cope with the issue. Because anyone can be bullied and we are all in charge.

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