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How to Choose One of the Best Impromptu Speech Topics?

April 25, 2021

Any oratorical performance requires careful preparation and includes several stages:

  1. The first stage includes the determination of the topic of speech, its title, and purpose. The topic should be relevant, interesting, specific, caused by the needs of life, understandable;
  2. Drawing up a preliminary plan, i.e., identification of specific questions that will serve to disclose the topic. Empirical material and data obtained by the author himself always serve as a reference point and a source of new ideas, scientific and other discoveries;
  3. The third stage is the selection of encyclopedic material, i.e., work with sources. It includes an orientation phase – a quick consideration of books and magazines, a selection phase – selective reading, an immersion phase – in-depth reading.

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What is Impromptu Speech and What are its Characteristics?

However, the speaker does not always have the opportunity to prepare for the speech in advance. At meetings, rallies, etc., sometimes you have to act impromptu, i.e., create speech at the time of speaking. This requires a great mobilization of memory, energy, will. When speaking impromptu, there is a great danger from excitement to get lost in thought, make a reservation, miss something very important. It is no coincidence that the French say that the best impromptu is the one that is well prepared.

If you want to learn how to give a good impromptu speech, pay attention that improvisational performance is usually well received by the audience if the speaker has the skills to improvise. By the way, there are special techniques for improving improvisational skills.

Determining the Main Idea, Objective, and Possible Questions

If you have 2-3 minutes before speaking, remember an impromptu speech example, formulate clearly the main idea of ​​your speech, specify the goal, decide what you will say at the beginning of your speech and at the very end. When preparing to speak, be sure to think about what questions you might be asked. In most cases, they are quite predictable, which means that the answers can be thought out in advance. If this is not your first speech on the same topic, the audience’s questions will most likely be repeated. Consider how to respond to those that have already been asked to you in similar circumstances.

Memorizing the Speech Structure

To memorize the structure of an impromptu performance, use the following technique. Let the main positions of your speech be five – according to the number of fingers of your hand. First – introduction (thumb), second, third, fourth – three points of the main part (index, middle, nameless), fifth – conclusion (little finger). When preparing for improvisation (and it can be very short – the few minutes during which your name is called, or moments before saying a greeting, congratulation, toast, etc.), match the positions at which you want to stop with certain fingers and thus memorize the structure.

Developing Impromptu Speech Skills 

You may not be asked too many atypical questions. Once you have gained some experience of communicating with the audience, it will be difficult to surprise you with any question since your impromptu speaking skills will be quite developed.

Tips for Choosing Impromptu Speech Topics

A big mistake many speakers make is that they immediately begin to compose the text, while the first and most important stage in preparing for a speech is choosing a topic.

The topic of the speech is the main thing the speaker will talk about. This is the answer to the question “What to talk about?”. The topic and content should be well-known because talking about something that you are not very good at are one of the paths to failure. In addition, the topic must necessarily be interesting for the speaker; otherwise, the audience will surely feel his indifference towards it. If the topic is not very international, then in order to achieve an effective result, a speaker needs to find something interesting or problematic that can attract attention.

25 Interesting Impromptu Speech Topics

Consider a list of some good impromptu speech topics:

  1. What should be the university of the future?
  2. What character traits should a coach have?
  3. Research activities of a modern student.
  4. Art in my life.
  5. How close is music to me?
  6. What is a prestigious profession?
  7. Literature in the life of a young man.
  8. What do you know about the architecture of your hometown?
  9. You need to be able to love.
  10. Can beauty save the world?
  11. What are modern students?
  12. What does it mean to be moral?
  13. What values ​​should be guided by modern youth?
  14. Do we know our national culture?
  15. What does it mean to be an intelligent person?
  16. Religion in human life.
  17. Our country is rich in talent.
  18. Our traditional customs.
  19. My life choice.
  20. Our folk song.
  21. Traditions and customs – the spiritual heritage of the people.
  22. My reflections on charity.
  23. How to feel happy?
  24. How to get rid of a bad habit?
  25. What prevents students from learning?

Choose one of the above impromptu speech topics, and you will definitely be able to perform well in front of an audience and achieve your goal!

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