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Writing the NHS Essay

February 12, 2020

Being a member of the National Junior Honor Society provides terrific opportunities for a student of high school. Though it also means a lot of responsibilities, it’s worth trying to get it. There are strict requirements for the candidates, and not everyone can meet them. However, if your achievements, skills, school academic records, and personal traits give you the reason to apply to become a member of the NHS, you should try doing that.

You need to provide the required documents that prove your school records, recommendation letters for the application. Write a fantastic essay example that describes why you are an appropriate candidate for that membership. 

We intend to talk about the essay form that you need to prepare to apply for the National Honor Society membership in the United States right here. Staying on this website, you’ll learn what you need to include there, and which style you should choose for essay writing and editing. Of course, even the best paper can’t guarantee the writers that they will get the membership, but it helps.

Distinctive Features of the National Honor Society Essay

To compose a proper NHS application essay, you need to know two things: 

  1. This essay deals with four concepts that describe four personal characteristics: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The strong candidate needs to understand their meaning;
  2. Your goal as of an applicant is to prove your outstanding achievements concerning all those concepts:
  • Scholarship is the definition of your academic record. To apply, you have to achieve excellence in your studies. The minimum passing score of GPA for the application is 85, and the higher – the better. Some schools can even set higher values.
  • Service is the definition of your voluntary activities. You have to participate in charity services and demonstrate your dedication to the local community school assignments.
  • Leadership is the definition of your strongest personal traits that let you efficiently communicate with others, help them, solve conflicts, and organize life. The proofs of leadership qualities come from your volunteering and many of the school activities.
  • Character is the definition of your ethics. Leadership qualities must be combined with honesty, respect, reliability, and kindness. Of course, there should not be even the slightest negative remarks in your disciplinary record. You should present all your honors proving your high moral standards.

Let’s deal with this essay as we do for the rest of the school research paper tasks. Then the concepts mentioned above should become your thesis statement. Now you need to provide arguments to support them in the National Honor essay. 

General Remarks on How to Write an NHS Essay

This application essay paper is a letter where you describe how you meet the criteria of the membership. For example, how you understand the character and service, and how you can become one of the young leaders of your school. 

You need to prove your academic achievements from school for joining the NHS. Tell about your leadership qualities with examples, explain what makes you unique and worthy of being accepted. It is useful if you can also provide your thoughts about your future and plans. You can mention your ambitious goals and add that the National Honor membership can help you in reaching these targets. 

The essay requirements to the contents and the structure are the following:

  1. The size should not be significant. Junior Honor Society essays are about 500-600 words in general. 
  2. Originality is a must! They don’t tolerate even the slightest trace of plagiarism! It is OK to use some quotes to add color to your National Honor essay, but you must present 100% original text.
  3. Sincerity is the key. You mustn’t pretend or lie, as the committee consists of very experienced people who will detect this immediately. The lie will ruin your chances for good.
  4. Don’t go for general phrases. Understandably, even the best high school students do not have excellent life experience, and they incline to the standard wording and certain clichés. Try to avoid such positive general words and go for your personal feelings about this membership and all good that you can do with its help.
  5. Pay almost all of your attention to the structure of the paper and the language. The grammar must be flawless, the wording must be accurate, and the phrases must define your thoughts clearly. 
  6. Ask for the membership, but never entreat. 

What Should You Write in the Beginning?

In your essay writing, you are supposed to give your thoughts about the NHS four values and present yourself through them. 

  • Start from the formal greeting and tell about your wish to become a member.
  • Describe what you already know about the achievements of this organization; tell what motivates you to become its member too.
  • Tell in brief why you consider yourself meeting the criteria of the basic principles (scholarship, service, leadership, character).
  • And proceed to the more detailed presentation of your skills, achievements, and traits in four paragraphs, each dedicated to one of the National Honor fundamental values.

What Should You Write in the Conclusion? 

The strong ending of the paper is even more important than the beginning of the “body” area contents. Even the well-trained admission officers can get tired and bored by reading long lists of achievements and qualities the candidates possess. However, they will surely read your writing until the end, and this is your chance to catch them again.

  • Stress that you are a determined and dedicated person with leadership skills, and you already know how to apply the membership and work to change the things for good in your school.
  • Make the conclusion vigorous in style, but don’t be excessively familiar – remain polite.
  • Double-check the paper and correct each mistake or misspelling.
  • Read the paper aloud and listen to its sound – it is different from apprehending the written speech when you write it. Edit all vague or clumsy fragments.

The Writing Tips to Help with the NHS Essay 

  • Talk about the things that you are sincerely attracted to in school.
  • Mention specific and realistic goals for the future.
  • You have all the right to be proud of your achievements, but name those who supported you and inspired you on the way.
  • Be creative, but don’t get carried away.
  • Make your writing vivid and unique to stand apart.
  • Revise the work several times with at least a day’s interval.

Can I Have a Look at the Ready Example of an NHS Application?

We can provide you with a sample of such an essay for reference. Just request the Honor Society application paper from the Support team of the Domain.  

Struggling with the NHS Essay Writing?

Due to the importance of this paper, a student can’t afford making it less than perfect. In this case, it is better to order the service of writing this essay for you at Domain. The National Honor Society essay will be exclusive, original, and 100% persuasive.

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