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The Best Evaluation Essay Topics – The Experts’ Choice

July 2, 2021

Sometimes, before buying a product, reading a book, ordering a service, watching a movie, we want to know people’s opinions. We choose based on other people’s assessments since we want to be sure of the quality of our interest. The evaluation essay is intended for those writers who want to make a recommendation. Students and ordinary writers on websites write evaluation essays because many people read such articles. If you are one of those students who would like to recommend something but have not yet decided on a topic, you can use our list of ideas. Before you choose a topic, familiarize yourself with the concept of this essay.

How to Create the Perfect Evaluation Essay?

The first step you must take to write a successful evaluation essay is to choose a good topic. It should be in line with your interests. There are many exciting topics, but you should write about what you understand perfectly. For example, you have read a book and want to give feedback on the content, history, characters. Or you bought a new smartphone and want to share your impressions of how it works. If you want to choose a broader topic, you must be able to analyze many sources. You need to select sources that will help fill your text with relevant information and, at the same time, not make the text too overloaded with quotes. Plus, you have to develop many arguments that prove why an object, book, movie is bad or good.

Don’t forget to find out who your target audience is. Don’t be surprised if some readers are not interested in a topic that you admire. However, for other people, your topic can be very exciting. Note that if the topic has too few readers, it is better to choose something more relevant: this principle works and vice versa. Don’t choose a topic that has too many readers. After all, controversy can arise around your essay. Your task is to recommend, not to collect debates.

Once you’ve decided on the topic, think about what thesis statement you could put forward. Your thesis will acquaint the reader with the essay’s main idea – what you wrote the article for. The thesis will set the tone for the entire essay. If this is a vivid judgment, then you can build an interesting essay. If this is a judgment that everyone already knows, you will not open something new to the reader. The thesis should show how you relate to the topic and what position you take about the issue under discussion. Remember that the thesis statement can contain 1-2 sentences. Do not use quotations in your thesis. Write your opinion – short and clear.

When you write a compelling thesis, you must evaluate the object against the criteria. Then find evidence to support your words. These may be examples from a movie, books, or statements from authoritative people. Having proved to people that your words are true, readers will take your statements seriously. When choosing the criteria for evaluating an object, you must take into account several points. For example, write what the ideal product or book should be and compare it to your evaluation. Or compare the object in terms of colors, speech techniques. It all depends on your subject. By evaluating the criteria, you indicate whether the object adheres to the ideal. It would help if you wrote in the main body several evaluative criteria and evidence. Therefore, divide the text into logical paragraphs.

With a clear plan, thesis, evidence, examples, you can put your thoughts together and start the writing process. In the introduction, write an interesting hook that will grab the attention of your readers. It can be statistics, quotes, jokes. Write everything interesting that comes to mind. Then you should introduce the reader to the subject of evaluation and explain why your topic deserves attention. Also, indicate in the introduction by what criteria you will evaluate the subject. The last sentence of your introductory paragraph should contain the thesis statement.

Next, write the central part. It should contain at least three paragraphs. In each section, provide one criterion and evidence. Choose credible arguments. If you want to disprove a thesis, find examples that support your idea. Use transition words to structure the paragraph properly. Do not write several criteria in one section – this will make your text difficult to understand.

Your essay is almost done. All that is required is to draw up a conclusion. This is the last paragraph that will get readers to accept your point of view. Finally, reformulate the thesis and indicate what you were trying to prove. Do not copy the thesis from the introduction – this indicates that you cannot think creatively. Also, you can reformulate the evidence in favor of the thesis and show that you have done good research. Do not forget to call the reader to action at the end. For example – does watch a movie, read a book, buy a smartphone.

Evaluation Essay Topics For College Students

Sometimes teachers ask college students to create an evaluation essay as homework. Therefore, before you start writing, you must decide on the topic. Understand that you want to evaluate an object, product, person, etc. Also, in the essay, you can list the advantages and disadvantages of the object. If your teacher has given you writing requirements, stick to them; if there are no recommendations, use our guide above. In an evaluation essay, you can express your perspective on a topic and improve your writing skills.

Check out the top college evaluation essay topics and make a selection:

  1. Rate how much social media has influenced your standard of living.
  2. Rate the most popular movie in 2021.
  3. Rate how much technology has changed over the past ten years.
  4. Rate how badly do smoking and alcohol affect the human brain and body.
  5. Rate how beneficial it is to recycle plastic. Will this help stop global warming?
  6. Assess how well the curriculum is designed for all levels of education.
  7. Assess positive and negative aspects of distance learning.
  8. Rate any professor’s teaching methods and techniques.
  9. Assess students’ academic performance before the coronavirus and after the outbreak of the pandemic.
  10. Rate how good or bad the Internet influences the education of students.

Education Topics

Many students love to write about education because essays help change the education system. Teachers see what is lacking for students. In many countries, the education system is different, and therefore you can compare them. Show what problems, difficulties arise when you study subjects. You can also ask your parents about their studies and compare them with yours. Use statistics and quotes from reputable sources to back up your words.

We offer your knowledge of the best educational topics:

  1. Rate positive and negative aspects of private schools. What are the positive and negative aspects of public schools?
  2. Please rate how useful it is to conduct SAT and ACTs.
  3. Estimate how much global warming affects people’s lives.
  4. Rate how digital language lessons will help students in the future.
  5. Rate how informative the textbooks are for students.
  6. Rate how much tutors help students to get along with assignments and learn topics.
  7. Rate how much college and school programs are different.
  8. Rate how well community service helps students learn to work.
  9. Rate how truthfully teachers say are about puberty.
  10. Evaluate the year-round school curriculum. How useful are they for students?
  11. Assess the physical fitness of the students.
  12. Find the differences and similarities between IELTS and TOEFL. Which test is best for you?

Technology Topics

Technologies are things that have become deeply intertwined in our lives. Everyone uses technology to improve their lives. In an essay, you can write how this or that technology has influenced life. Perhaps your essay will make readers think about the rationality of use. Also, you can share your experience with any technology. For inspiration, you can take advantage of these essay technology evaluation topics:

  1. Evaluate the performance and functionality of your smartphone.
  2. Evaluate the most popular photo editing app. Indicate its advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Check out the web browser you use in your daily life. Why do you find this browser useful?
  4. Check out the online tutorial. What are its benefits and effectiveness?
  5. Evaluate the rules of conduct with the gadget while driving. Should the rules be even tougher? Would you like to add new rules?
  6. Rate how much technology has changed the music industry.
  7. Evaluate the performance and functionality of your laptop or computer. How much does a tool help you to cope with tasks, and what are its advantages?
  8. Evaluate the jump in bad video games. How video games affect the development of children? Why are kids playing video games?
  9. How useful or harmful to play on online platforms?
  10. Evaluate the difference between watching a movie at home and watching a movie theater. Where are the effects better?
  11. How good is the future of modern technologies? Should we expect discoveries, or is this the tip of the iceberg?

Topics About Literature, Films, Arts

Literature, films, and art are integral elements of modern man. They help us learn news from all the little parts of the world about changes. They also make us the best. It is a pleasure to write essays on such topics. You can share with your readers your impressions about some works of art. Since literature, films, and art are very broad topics, choose specific criteria by which you will evaluate them. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the lists of ideas in this direction:

  1. What’s the difference between live concerts and pre-recorded ones? Is there a difference in sound?
  2. Check out one of the classic books. Why should a book be considered a classic? Are classics different from modern books?
  3. Check out one of the historical films. How accurately did the film convey historical events?
  4. Watch or attend a theater play, musical. Rate how well the director conveyed the meaning of the play or music. How successful was the acting?
  5. Check out one of the paintings by Leonardo Da Vinci. How did the painting affect the world?
  6. Check out one of Shakespeare’s dramas. How realistic are they? Is the ending of the drama predictable?
  7. Check out some parody of the movie. Is it better to watch the original or the original?
  8. Analyze the movie based on the plots of the book. Is the film different from the events in the books, or does it perfectly convey the story?
  9. Check out films from a renowned director. Are the films similar, or are they different? What techniques and tools did the director use to make the films?
  10. Appreciate the literary movement of the 50s. Is there a style left to this day? Was he popular at the time?
  11. Check out a book by a contemporary writer. Does the author write well? Are there style issues? What art tricks did he/she use?
  12. Check out your favorite musician’s album. Did you like the songs? Has the style of performance changed?

Simple & Easy Topics

We understand that sometimes you don’t feel like writing in-depth essays and exploring a topic in detail. Therefore, we have prepared simple topics that combine useful information and are easy to follow. If you need to write an essay quickly, pay attention to the following topics:

  1. Appreciate the comfort, design, menu of the cafe that you visit most often. How do you like this cafe? Does it have any disadvantages?
  2. Rate the concept of your favorite restaurant. Are the prices good there?
  3. Why do you like the menu of this restaurant? Is there entertainment there?
  4. Check out your favorite sports team. Are they in good shape? Are they popular? What are they doing?
  5. Check out your favorite beauty product. Do cosmetics have advantages and disadvantages? What are you using cometic for? Is it useful? How often do you use this product?
  6. Check out some romantic movies in 2020. Did the author capture the relationship between the actors well? Is the plot, locations, costumes good?
  7. Rate the store you visit most often. Does the store have a large selection of products? Are the staff friendly? High or low food prices?
  8. Evaluate the relationship at a distance and traditional the relationship. What are the pros and cons of each relationship?


Writing an evaluation essay is a tough task. However, if you choose the right topic, you will write an article very quickly considering your interests. After all, the stream of ideas will be spinning in my head. Also, you can combine themes and come up with your own based on our ideas. We hope we inspire you. We wish you success and creative endeavors!

FAQ About Evaluation Essay

As soon as students hear the phrase “write an evaluation essay,” they have many questions. We have answered the most popular ones. Perhaps our explanations will simplify the writing process for you.

What is an evaluation essay?

The evaluation essay is a kind of academic paper in which you need to evaluate a subject, picture, film, book, place, person according to several criteria. Also, it would help if you gave recommendations after analyzing the object. Your task is to reveal the positive and negative sides of the object so that the reader can conclude.

How do you start an evaluation essay?

To keep your essay from looking boring:

  1. Write shocking information in the introduction.
  2. Add statistics or quotes from influential people.
  3. Use just one technique to get attention.

By combining all the techniques, you will overload the text.

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