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Thesis Statement on Divorce

April 16, 2020

It doesn’t matter whether you write a thesis statement for an argumentative essay or research: it is always challenging to find and put into words the main idea of future work. Especially when a thesis statement covers such a complex topic as a divorce.

The increased divorce rate has greatly contributed to the higher popularity of the topic among students. Reasons and effects of divorce, its impact on children and other family members are only some of the issues that can be covered in a thesis statement. Below we have collected all the facts and necessary tips to write a thesis statement on this controversial but yet modern and demanded topic.

What is the thesis statement on marriage and divorce?

Divorce thesis on marriage and divorce is a sentence or a short paragraph, which covers the whole point of an essay, paper or any other school or college assignment

Two people overcome multiple difficulties before deciding to end their marriage. First, they get acquainted and decide to get married. Here are only some of the reasons why people want to marry each other:

  • They love each other;
  • They will have a baby;
  • For convenience like obtaining a green card or sharing household expenditures;
  • Arranged unions.

Unfortunately, not depending on the reason married couples face multiple challenges, which may lead to a permanent separation. When being asked to write a paper on the effects of divorce, geographical or historical overview of separation or impact of divorce on children, you will need to start the paper with a clear explanation of the topic. And that is what a thesis statement aims to do.

Below we’ll tell you how to write a thesis statement on different topics, how to create a solid work, and what to do when you are stuck. 

Thesis statement for effects of divorce on children

A thesis statement is one of the most important parts of your future work. There you should explain what the future research paper or essay is about and to make sure that the reader is interested in what you have to say.

One of the most difficult aspects of the topic is the impact of divorce on children. Considering that it is a rather broad issue, many students find it almost impossible to fit all the ideas into a single sentence. When writing a thesis statement on the influence of divorce on children we recommend stating the main idea of your work without any extra details.

For example, you can write that one of four children with divorced parents commits a crime or is involved in addictions. And later in the text, you can devote a separate paragraph to each of the issues.

It doesn’t mean that other effects of divorce are less important but when children are involved it becomes much harder to remain objective. Thus, your thesis must be clear and based solely on facts.

How to write a research paper on divorce. 

The thesis statement should be written at the end of the introductory section and explain to the reader what you are going to discuss further in the text. A divorce thesis should indicate what issue you are going to cover, which side you are on, and what questions your paper will cover in the future.

Below we will introduce you to a step-by-step guide on writing a thesis statement.

1. Make a thesis question

Many students still think that the thesis statement is not important. However, we have talked to tens of tutors and all of them claim that they always check whether there is a thesis at the end of an introduction.

If you want to get a high grade for your essay or research paper, writing a good thesis statement is a must. Think about what question you want to solve – whether it is the reasons for a high divorce rate or the influence of legal separation on children.

If you’re not sure what the question for your divorce thesis should be, read examples online to get a few fresh ideas.

2. Brainstorm answers

When working on a thesis statement you need to devote much time to researching the background and finding relevant answers to the main question.

First, you need to find sources on the effects of divorce that include relevant data, recent surveys, and numbers. Make sure that you use only scholarly sources like publications and books.

After collecting information you’ll have enough data to write not only a thesis statement but a whole paper.

3. Pick a thesis answer

After looking at the collected information on the influence of divorce on children, as well as the whole concept of marriage and divorce, you will be able to decide what the main thesis statement answer will be.

Remember, a good thesis statement always reflects key ideas of the whole work.

4. Make a thesis road-map

To make the future thesis statement interesting and solid, you should not only indicate the answer but also add a few reasons to back the main research paper question. For example, when discussing a high divorce rate, you can provide numbers and statistics.

5. Add emphasis

The four stages above will help you to create a strong thesis statement. But if you want to take everything to the next stage, we recommend adding emphasis. Use different intensifiers and powerful comparisons.

When talking about the effects of divorce, impressing the audience and making them want to read your paper becomes the key to success. Thus, your statement divorce paper should be engaging and rich with intensifiers like ‘in fact’, ‘although’, ‘in reality’, and so on.

6. Making your thesis sentence

Finally, the last stage is writing the thesis statement itself. If you have followed all the above tips attentively, you already know how to discuss a divorce rate or any other topic related to legal separation.

Remember, a good thesis statement should include a catchy detail, an interesting fact, and the key idea of your future work. If you doubt whether you are doing everything right, there is always a chance to write a thesis statement after the body paragraphs will be finished.

Thus, you’ll always know what the main arguments of your paper are. And they will match the thesis from A to Z.

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